(1991) Brandon Enters the HealthCare Practice Management Space with Nova Data Systems
Software Key Points:
- Software Written for the Personal Computer with COBOL
- Manged Claims submission and coding, scheduling and Revenue Management
- Would utilize 1200 Baud Hayes Modems for electronic file transfer
- Year-End Processing would take 30-40 hours of computer processing
- (1990) A subscription-based – Software Practice Management Application company purchased from Dr Richard Danker a highly regarded ophthalmological surgeon and entrepreneur – in 1990.
- (1991) Acquired by AXIOM who handled front office operations with Brandon partnering for technology services
- (1993) Acquired by Brandon – Brandon recognized the fundamental change(s) that would take place with “electronic billing – EDI”. At that time – over 90% of all claims were submitted in the industry by paper forms.
- Worked Extensively with NEIC as a preferred partner for electronic claims
- Implemented Medicare electronic claims submission as one of 3 vendors to meet CMS deadlines with live submissions Footnote 1
- Software Written for the Personal Computer
- HCFA1500 – Claims Generation
- Revenue/Expense Management